Tag Archives: contagious

Moving as (or within) a Collective Activity

Nicole Land thinking with Angela Chow and Angélique Sanders

We began, in one of the preschool classrooms, by wondering how we might move collectively: we want to wonder how moving is a shared practice. There’s something to movement that highlights ideas of mutuality, reciprocity, collaboration, communication, and synergy; no body moves in isolation. How might we pay attention to how movements are contagious (in a good way), productive, and communicative – ways of moving catch on and are exchanged between children and adults and the energy, rhythms, and speed of moving in the classroom space constantly change. Moving then, perhaps, could be something we might think with as a practice or activity or process that is expansive and generative; movement goes beyond any one body or any one child’s experience and takes on different meaning through the cumulative, communicative, communal ways moving happens in a classroom.  

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